Come join us October 31st - Nov 3rd, for our 3rd annual Fall retreat for Crosspoint Young Adults! This retreat is to help get away from the day to day of life and help grow closer to God and other believers. You can expect time of relaxation, worship, games, hearing from God's word, breakout sessions, and just good ole memories you can only make at camp! Checkout the rest of this page to get more info, and find out how to sign up!
WHEN: OCTOBER 23rd - OCTOBER 26th (THURSDAY 7PM - SUNDAY 12PM) or you can come down that Friday until Sunday, if getting off work is an issue!
WHO: AGES 18 TO LATE 20s (if you are concerned that you feel you are too old, you’re not, don’t overthink it, come be apart!)
HOW MUCH: Whole Weekend: $170 (Thursday Night - Sunday Noon) - Can't make it till Friday? : $120 (Friday Night - Sunday Noon)
WHY: This is a time to grow closer with eachother and God. We would love for you to be apart, and invite others who might enjoy!
You can fill this out and email the signed liability sheet to or hand it to Nick in person!
This form is general information about yourself!
Once you fill out all 3 forms, you will be set for retreat!